31 March 2010


HIGHLIGHT WHAT YOU LOVE (after a work of Jessica Snidersich)

This is the Version Leifsdottir
of the EQUINOX* Project

Opening: 1.4.2010, 19.00-23.00

This is where you can see if two persons from different backrounds and with different preferences can come to the same result.
This is what I loved
This is when you can see what the difference is.
This is when you make up your mind.

19 March 2010


SPEEDERBIKE PRIMITIVE (title after the work of Achim Horn)

Opening 20.03.2010, 19:00-23:00

After Party IN THE DARK PRIMITIVE @ Bierhaus Urban (Urban Ecke Gräfe Str)
Djs Ludovic Jecker, Martin Skauen & Iris Van Dongen

This is the Version Stokou of the EQUINOX* Project

What if you could vanish physical principles and just jump on one of those hovering speederbikes the imperial storm troops use on Endor? Make one month wish calender out f 31 wishbones? A drawing for Noneoroneortwoshows? A bridge of coins? Would you Adopt a pigeon? It could be the result of hand made confetti production or a compass showing north. There is no Good and Bad. You are the channel. Swarovski’s grip, natural hair. Answer! It's not about maths, or theology not even the berlin wall, not metaphysical or psycophysical. Just an attempt to be part of a group. The Clone Ranger that can be extended in wallpaper style. It’s still cold outside – this winter will never end. A Bust to pay homage to the innovator of the famous German „Raufasertapete“. To all the things that could have been here too. Stick to the wall with tape. Gold Stream Flows. Broken Ornaments on eternal hunting grounds. You don't get it, do you? It can produce a sense of annoyance more or less intense. A good example how we can observe things from different points of standings. Death, Disaster and Expensive Handbags. Adjust so it hangs straight. The instrument looks like a typewriter, but every letter is a different tone. Recomended to be installed in an angle to a light source, or a window. No order has been decided yet. So wir werden sehen ob es lustig wird. Gratuliere. Fuck you. Be a little bit free Mr Grim.

This is speederbike primitive. Your life. Your art. Trust me.